Have you ever wondered, how do I become a Christian? 

I’m guessing that, since you are visiting this page, that’s a question you’re asking right now. 

Romans 10:9 says it most simply, “…that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”. 

Do you believe? 

If so, pray this prayer with me right now. As you do, believe what you are saying from the heart. Invite the Holy Spirit to join you and feel His comfort around you. 

Let’s pray. 

Dear Lord Jesus Christ 

Thank You for life, for breath and for all You do. Even when I am not aware of it You are covering and protecting me. 

Thank You. 

Lord, I admit that I have sinned and gone my own way. 

I confess the times when I knowingly and unknowingly hid my true self to be accepted by others. 

I need Your forgiveness. 

I am sorry! 

I am willing to turn away from all that I know is wrong, and that includes the things that I have convinced myself is right. 

Lord, I want to change and for You to be first in my life. 

Thank You for dying on the cross to take away my sins. 

Thank You for your gift of forgiveness, wholeness and a new life. 

I now take Your gift. 

I ask You to come into my life by Your Holy Spirit. 

Come in as my Saviour, Counsellor and Lord, forever. 

Help me to live all my days knowing my identity in You, living my purpose in You and feeling secure in You.  

I thank You, Lord Jesus. 


What’s next? 

If you have taken the step of faith to pray this prayer from your heart, let me be the first to welcome you as a born-again child of God! 

You now need to find yourself a church (if you’re not already attending one) where you can meet other Christians and find out more about Jesus Christ. 

Then purchase a Bible so that you can discover what God wants to say to you. 

Your wholeness journey 

Becoming a Christian doesn’t stop there. It’s a lifetime journey.  

As Christians, the Word of God calls us to carry out what we call ‘The Great Commission’. This is where Jesus Christ admonishes us to go out into all the world, preaching the gospel and making disciples of all nations. If you don’t know who you are, or whose you are, you cannot do this effectively. That’s why living a life that is whole, complete, full of peace, security, identity, purpose and passion is so important. 

So, I would like to encourage you to commit to your journey to wholeness so that you can continue to grow into all God wants you to be. You can do that by regular Bible reading and prayer, and also by signing up for our Weekly Inspirations here