Our Programmes
About Our Programmes
At JPIM we run a number of programmes to equip you to live an abundant life as a whole, authentic and joy-filled child of God. Whether you are an individual or leader looking to develop a better relationship with yourself, God or others; in ministry, home or in business, you’ll find a programme perfectly designed to help.
The Wholeness Academy

The Wholeness Academy is JPIM’s school of Wholeness. We work with people with a desire to live an authentic and abundant (full) life as described in John 10: 10. We help people develop the awareness, skill and ability to achieve and maintain wholeness in their spiritual, mental and physical lives so that every area of life flows better.
Participants will be inspired, motivated and challenged to be all they are called to be. You will develop a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and discover a deeper sense of who you are (IDENTITY), why you are (PURPOSE) while understanding whose you are (SECURITY).
To book your place or to download our brochure of courses, conferences and events, click here.
Kingdom Mentors
Are you a Mentor, Trainer, Coach or Leader? Would you like an opportunity to develop and grow in your leadership and mentorship with like-minded individuals?
Then Kingdom Mentors Personal Development Programme is for you…
There is something so powerful about like-minded people learning together, sharing experiences and sharpening their skills in a safe, life-changing environment. This is what Kingdom Mentors does; it brings together leaders, coaches, mentors and trainers and allows them to grow and reflect on themselves as coaches. It gives individuals the opportunity to learn invaluable lessons about mentoring effectively.
We run five sessions exploring topics that include
• Defining mentoring and learning from biblical mentors
• Identifying your strengths and development areas as a mentor
• Developing the 3 C’s (Courage, Cooperation and Character) required to become an effective mentor
• Dealing with the Triple A’s of Kingdom mentoring: Administration, Aloneness and Assignment) and more…
To book your place or to download our brochure of courses, conferences and events, click here.
Leaders Inspiring Leaders (LIL)
Leaders Inspiring Leaders (LIL) is a personal development and mentoring programme for leaders. Our aim is to Support, Equip, Empower and Develop (S.E.E.D) leaders by creating a safe, confidential and life-changing environment where you can explore biblical and tested leadership development principles.
Why S.E.E.D?
Because a SEED has the ability to produce fruit that can feed multitudes. It has the capacity to develop into something greater than it was at its beginning—which is exactly what God has been doing through LIL.
Sessions covered include
• Introduction to Leaders Inspiring Leaders
• Leading in Wholeness: What’s Missing? Understanding the leader within; Managing disappointment, difficulties and conflict: When the sheep hurt the shepherd; and The Character of a successful leader
• Vision Development Goalsetting – 5 Year Plan: Bringing the people with you
• My story, Your story = Our story!
• A full weekend of rest, pamper, teaching and ministry to refuel and develop (includes Individual S.E.E.D Sessions, Leadership tool kit for success and Leaders REAL TALK)
• Reflecting on where you are now: Preparing for where you want to get to and Reviewing 5 Year plan
Visit the Wholeness Academy for details on each module and how to apply to the programme by clicking here.
Emerging Ministers School (EMS)

This programme was birthed by the Holy Spirit for individuals who sense the call of God on their lives and are ready to grow and move into that call. As you know, it’s one thing to know you have a call to ministry, but quite another to step into it and experience the joys and challenges of the call. If the enemy can stop you at the first hurdle, HE WILL!
EMS is a mixture of mentoring, teaching, group work, individual presentations, home studies, prayer and ministry. Some of the topics we will explore include:
• What is Ministry? How do you know you are called to Ministry?
• Identifying your spiritual gifts
• The joys and challenges of the call
• Lessons from the C.A.L.L
• The character of a Minister
• Rock v Sand: Building the Ministry
• Maintaining momentum and longevity
• Equipping yourself (choosing a course, seminary or bible school)
• What I’ve always wanted to ask is… Emerging Ministers REAL TALK Sessions
This programme is run over three sessions.
Those who would like to attend must ensure the following:
1. They have a call to ministry (confirmed by someone in their church/ministry leadership)
2. They desire an opportunity to learn lessons from mature ministers and fellow emerging ministers
3. They want to grow into the call to ministry
4. They desire to receive guidance and / or tips on fulfilling their ministerial call
5. They want an opportunity to learn in an informal, safe and empowering environment