What is wholeness?
Wholeness is at the heart of all that we do here at JPIM. It is the result of an intimate relationship with God that results in an individual…
Knowing who they are [identity] +
Knowing why they are [purpose] +
Knowing whose they are [security]
This is what we call the JPIM Wholeness Equation.
The Thesaurus defines whole as
- Complete
- Entire
- Full
- Total
- Intact
- Unbroken
- In one piece
- Undivided
- Unspoiled
The online dictionary defines wholeness as
•The state of being unbroken or undamaged
One of the Hebrew words for wholeness is the word Shalom. We often associate this word with ‘peace’ or use it as an expression of salutation, but shalom also means:
•Welfare and Tranquillity
The opposite of whole is
•Out of order
•Without hope
So, you can see how important and all-encompassing the work of restoration to wholeness is to the lives of individuals. It means the difference between living a healthy, fulfilled, purposeful and joyful life—and not.
Wholeness is walking undivided, unspoiled, intact and complete and when we’re not, we can end up being, in essence, out of order, damaged, defeated, without hope and dispirited. It is our mission at JPIM to ensure no one lives this way. As a ministry raised to help individuals on their journey from brokenness to wholeness, we are passionate about this work and in seeing people progress.
What the bible says about wholeness
The bible has much to say about wholeness. Let’s look at one of the biblical precedencies for this.
“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 Thessalonians 5:23
This verse shows us that there are three prerequisites to wholeness in a person’s life.
1. Spirit
2. Body
3. Soul (Mind, Emotions and Will)

When we accepted Jesus into our hearts, we were rescued and delivered from sin and eternal separation from God. God put His Spirit into our hearts (2 Corinthians 1:22) and this enabled our spirits to then become fully alive—and thereby we become completely well in spirit.
However, we need to grow in the other two parts of us: body and soul. This is why the Bible teaches us to strip off or lay aside the things that easily beset us and to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We are urged to look after our temples and through regular reading of the Word of God to continue to grow.
Does God want us to be whole?
He certainly does! There are several examples of wholeness demonstrated throughout the bible, especially through the ministry of Jesus Christ.
For example
Jesus asks the man by the pool, “Do you want to be made well?” (John 5: 5-6)
Jesus said to the woman with the issue of blood, “Your faith has made you whole!” (Mark 5: 34)
To the man with leprosy who said, “If You are willing, You can make me clean”, Jesus replied: “I am willing; be cleansed.” (Mark 1:41)
Find out more
At JPIM’s Wholeness Academy we run several programmes to help individuals on their journey to wholeness. Our programmes are designed to help you develop an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, which results in an individual
Knowing who you are (Identity) +
Understanding why you are (Purpose) +
Understanding whose you are (Security)
= Wholeness
For more information on the Wholeness Academy, click here