Wholeness Retreats
“…and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power…” Colossians 2: 10
Are you ready to live a life of wholeness?
Do you want a plan for your life that is complete?

Our Wholeness Retreats are perfect for you if you want to live a life of wholeness. Whole means to be ‘unbroken, complete, full, well, peace and lacking nothing’, and these weekends have been specially designed to help you get there.
Wholeness Retreats are an invitation to withdraw from the busyness and demands of life… to pause, rest, learn and be spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically refreshed and renewed. They are an opportunity to invest in your wholeness, so you can turn up on life’s stage complete, whole and fully as who God says you are.
Wholeness Retreats will leave you
- Encouraged through life-changing testimonies
- Inspired through beautiful fellowship
- Transformed through the Word of God
- Revived through a relaxing spa and environment
- Spoilt by the wide choice of freshly prepared foods
- Knowing who you are, why you are and whose you are
- Equipped to handle your next level and season in life
These unforgettable weekend experiences will leave your spirit charged, challenged and lifted through prayer, praise and worship.
Book today at www.wholenessacademy.org